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Discussion Guides

Beatitudes Part 3

By May 8, 2022May 23rd, 2022No Comments

Message Title //
(Sermon on the Mount — Beatitudes Part 3)
Message Date // May 8, 2022 (Scotty Priest)

Discussion Questions

Matthew 5:5Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

  1. As we look at the word meek in the context of this passage (meaning strength under control), how would you describe it played out in your life? From Scotty’s example of the stallion with the bridle, discuss the pendulum effect to the sides of meekness (fold or fight) and where you see yourself lean toward the most.
  2. With meekness comes blessings and rewards. Matthew 5:5 in the message version says, “You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.” Throughout Matthew 5, the passage has consistently taught us to be dependent on God and desperate for Him. Discuss the different rewards of meekness listed in the outline. Where would you like to see growth in your life when it comes to being meek?
  3. Happy are those who surrender their strength to God. Is there an area of your life that God may be wanting you to grow in meekness, and surrender to him?
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