The middle school years can be some of the most difficult for students. But it’s also the time where they make some of the most important choices of their lives. Journey Middle School meets on Wednesday evenings for Mid-Week from 6:00 — 8:00 pm.
Our desire is to help middle and high school students take their next step with Jesus.
6th — 8th Grade
Journey Middle School
March Mid-Week Dinner Order
This link is open for orders on Mondays at 8:30 AM until Wednesdays at 11:30 AM.
9th — 12th Grade
Journey High School
Our heart is to reach every student at every school by encouraging them to come as they are and be open to taking their next step in their relationship with Jesus and then walking alongside them throughout their journey. We meet on Sunday nights for Vibe @ 5 from 5:00-7:00pm for games, worship, teaching, and small groups.
Upcoming Events