Jesus I believe in you.
I believe you lived for me, died for me and rose from the grave.
The best way I know how, I ask you to come into my life.
Forgive me of all my sin.
Be my leader and my friend.
I surrender myself to you.
Help me to follow you.
Start Following Jesus
The Good News of Jesus' Message.
Everything is not as it should be.
Humanity has a problem.
One quick scan of the world around you and you’ll agree… things don’t add up.
There is pain and sorrow.
Hate and anger. Disease and death.
People are lonely and desperately searching for purpose and identity.
Guilt, anxiety, and fear surround us.
The world is broken.
God Loved.
He loved you so much He refused to leave you as you are. Instead, He put into motion the greatest rescue plan to save and bring you back to LIFE so you could be in a relationship with Him. To rescue us, God sent his son, Jesus, to be perfect love in human flesh on this broken Earth. He lived a perfect life, yet because of his great love for you Jesus willingly died on a cross for your sins and suffered the judgment and wrath that your sinful nature and deeds deserved.
But even death could not hold Jesus down.
Jesus defeated death and sin once and for all on the third day when He rose from the grave. Jesus is alive.
This victory now gives us freedom from death! Jesus did for us what we could not do for ourselves and made a way back to God where there was no way. The name of Jesus is the only name that saves. His power is the only power that can raise us from the dead and give us eternal life.
Salvation can’t earn it, you don’t deserve it, but you can receive it. The invitation is yours. If you want to move from death to life and know for sure that you are right with God, then place your faith in Jesus as the Savior and the Lord of your life. It’s not a magic formula, but a humble prayer to the God of the Universe who created, loved and rescued you. You can pray this in your own words…
Heaven is rejoicing with you.
You have just made the most important decision of your life!
Praying these words of surrender is the beginning of your new life in Christ.
Let us know you made your decision by filling out the form below.
Next Steps
Congratulations on deciding to take your next step. We are so excited to come alongside you as you move forward on your spiritual journey towards a life of freedom and fulfillment.
Share Your Story
The people at Journey would love to come alongside you on this journey and help you continue to grow in your relationship with Jesus. Please take a minute and share your story with us. One of our pastors will also be in touch and make ourselves available to connect over coffee and lunch.
Baptism isn’t necessary for salvation, but it is an act of obedience that identifies yourself with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. We have baptisms available throughout the year and would love to connect you with one of those opportunities.
We would love to help you take your next step with connecting to the Journey Church family. Crash Course is a class we offer to help you learn more about Journey and how you can get plugged in. Crash Course happens the first Sunday of each month. We invite you to jump in at any time.
Bible Reading
Plans & Studies
Biblically centered, culturally relevant experiences that encourage and challenge people to seek God.
Video series for those just starting a
relationship with Jesus by Andy Stanley