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Legacy Impact Fund

A faith-based structure and guidance to financially support the mission and vision of Journey Church through charitable giving and strategic stewardship.


Non-Cash Assets
Real Estate


Living Trusts

Give &

Remainder Annuities
Split-Interest Gifts
Charitable Trusts

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.
ROMANS 12:6-8

How to give to the Journey Church Legacy Impact Fund

Because giving non-cash assets is unique, please contact
Legacy@JourneyColorado.com with your specific request. Journey has partnered with Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing to facilitate all in kind donations of non-cash gifts. Our team will coordinate with InFaith to ensure that your gift donation is processed correctly.


If you would like to give a cash gift online, you may do so and select “Legacy Fund.”

Give Now

Email a copy of your brokerage asset statement showing the shares you wish to donate to Legacy@JourneyColorado.com including the specified amount of the shares you would like to transfer from your account. Our team will coordinate with Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing to prepare the transfer paperwork and instructions for you.


Contact Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing directly. The statements can be faxed to 612-844-4109 or emailed to Cindy Aegerter, Senior Gift Planner, at Cindy.Aegerter@Thrivent.com. She will prepare all the documents for the transfer.

She will prepare all the documents for the transfer. It is important to include our account number 280567 – The Journey Church Legacy Impact Fund on all correspondence so it is applied correctly.


You or your broker may initiate the transfer directly by downloading this guide containing instructions. It is still necessary to provide Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing with your contact information so that a gift receipt can be mailed. Gifts made this way will need to identify what securities and how many shares they have requested to transfer to Journey. This will help ensure the gift is processed promptly.


Legacy Lanes of Impact

If you prefer to designate your gift to a specific Legacy Lane you may do so. A lane gives clarity, intentionality, and focus. All lanes are unique in their mission yet all are focused on a single purpose. Each lane has its own report to provide the Legacy Team with information on new projects, existing projects, connect opportunities, financial need and Kingdom impact.

Future Development

Journey Church building projects, spaces and places

Next Generation

Fellowship Grants
Pastoral Residency
Ministry Internships

Community Impact

Local Community Outreach
Practical Assistance

Missions &
Church Planting

Local and global missions partnerships

Join the Legacy Team

Connecting Leaders to Kingdom Purpose

The Legacy Team is an outlet for those who are called and equipped to finance the Kingdom of God and to leave a legacy. The Legacy Team serves our church with the gift of giving.

Legacy people give influence, resources and time as a local church ministry expression to advance the cause of Christ. Each member prayerfully commits to give over and above their tithe to impact eternity for generations to come—to leave a legacy.

To be a part of the Legacy Team, you must complete the Journey Church Crash Course.

Still have questions? Contact us at Legacy@JourneyColorado.com.

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