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Discussion Guides

All In – Part 2

By January 30, 2022February 1st, 2022No Comments

Message Series // All In – (Part 2)
Message Date // January 30 (Scotty Priest)


1. Is there a “LITTLE” thing God wants you to do?

To go “all in” in your relationship with Christ might come across as if God’s asking you to take a massive leap of faith, but the truth is that God often builds our faith little by little. Is there a “little” thing that God wants you to do?

2. Have you been putting it off?

The next step of faith that God is inviting you to take will always be harder and require more faith, but small acts of obedience lead to big changes. Is there a small next step of faith God has been challenging you to take that you have been putting off? What is that next step? What would you say has been holding you back?

3. Do you ever feel dismissed or disqualified from being used by God?

When we read about the young men that Jesus invited to follow him (Matthew 4:18-22, Luke 5:1-11), the reality was that the religious establishments during that time felt they weren’t qualified enough to be used by God. But the very reason why the religious leaders overlooked them was the very reason why Jesus chose them. Do you ever feel dismissed or disqualified from being used by God? Why?

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