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Discussion Guides

The Temptation of Jesus

By April 10, 2022April 12th, 2022No Comments

Message Title // The Temptation of Jesus (Matthew – Part 3)
Message Date // April 10, 2022 (Geoff Surratt)

Discussion Questions
  1. After reading through Matthew 4:1-11, Hebrews 4:15 and Genesis 3:1-6, what are some things we can learn from Jesus’ trials and testing?
  2. Are there areas of your life where this passage gives you some perspective and hope?
  3. Four practical steps were given as a guide as we face “trials of many kinds.” As you look over these steps, is there anything you are currently facing where you can implement one of these? If so, and if you are comfortable, share with your group one thing you want to do this week to step into one of these four actions.
    1. Identify where I am most vulnerable
    2. Confess my weakness
    3. Ground myself in scripture
    4. Lean into God’s strength
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