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Middle School Sunday Discussion Guide

Tension Part 1 – Limits

By October 30, 2022November 15th, 2022No Comments

Sunday Discussion Guide
At-Home Conversation Starters

Series: Tension

Topic: Part 1— Limits

Speaker: Scotty Priest, Lead Pastor

Date: October 30, 2022


Overview: In this message, Scotty discussed the importance of creating margin in our lives. Our instinct is to fill-up our schedules with various commitments so that we don’t miss out, fall behind or feel like we are failing. But is this really how God wants us to live? God desires for us to have breathing room— which is part of the reason He wants us to take a Sabbath. Adults need breathing room. Students need breathing room. Nobody is healthy when we don’t manage the tension in life of doing and resting. As you reflect on this message, consider the following questions, and ask yourself “where do I need some breathing room?”


Discussion Questions:

  1. List out all of the things that you do on a weekly basis. How does this weekly schedule make you feel? Overwhelmed, stressed. etc.?
  2. Read Matthew 11:28-30. When you are stressed, or are having a busy week, what do you give up in order to create breathing room? Is it sports, church, etc.?
  3. Why do you think Jesus says to draw near to Him when we are stressed? Why do you think He doesn’t say “when you are stressed, do more sports, etc.”?
  4. What do you need to give up so that you can draw closer to GOd and create more margin in your life?


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