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My House – Part 1

By February 21, 2021No Comments

Message Series // My House – Part 1 (Our Home)

Message Date // February 21, 2021 (Russ Stutzman)

Big Idea

As we dive into this series called “My House”, we will begin by taking a look at our own homes. It’s important that we consider the “home” we are creating, leading, and supporting…the convictions we stand on and the culture we are creating. Joshua, one of the powerful leaders of Israel, understood how important this was. In the book of the Bible that chronicles his life (“Joshua”), the time of the Israelites wandering the desert for 40 years had come to an end. The leadership baton had been passed from Moses to Joshua, and the nation was about to enter into the Promised Land. Joshua got the opportunity to deliver his inaugural speech (Joshua 24), and he lets the whole nation know the stand he and his home will take on WHO they will worship. It’s a declaration of conviction on how he will lead the nation of Israel and his own home…and it challenges us to consider the convictions and culture of our own home.

“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” – Joshua 24:15


Read Joshua 24:14-15. Joshua, a powerful leader in the Old Testament (took over after Moses died), communicates a stance to the whole nation of Israel concerning WHO will be the central focus of worship in his home. There is something powerful about a mind that is made up. What is the stance that Joshua takes? In the home you lead or are a part of, do you have the same stance? Why or why not? Why is this something to have your mind firmly made up on in your home?

Read Deuteronomy 30:19 and Romans 8:28. Every home has a “culture” by DESIGN or by DEFAULT. What does this mean? Would you agree with this statement? Is the current culture in your home created on purpose (design) or not on purpose (default)? Is it a culture you enjoy, or is it one you would want to change? Pastor Russ shared some of the key convictions they’ve tried to live by in their home…declarations of design. They are…

  • Members will know and experience LOVE.
  • Members will know and experience HONOR.
  • Members will know and experience RESPECT.
  • Members will feel safe EMOTIONALLY, PHYSICALLY, and SPIRITUALLY.
  • Members will BELONG to and SERVE the local church.

What do you think about these statements? If you have, or could have, statements of conviction when it comes to your own home, what would they be?

Next Steps

Spend some time really thinking through how your own home can be a place designed by purpose…one that truly glorifies Christ. It doesn’t matter what stage of life you are in, it’s important to create a powerful culture in your home. Write down 3-5 statements that define your home, or what you want your home to be like. Share these statements with your small group.

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