Vacation Bible School
July 15, 2024 - July 18, 2024

Journey Kids is excited to offer Vacation Bible School (VBS)! Register your Kindergarten-5th Grade (incoming and graduating) kids for four mornings of “SCUBA: Diving into Friendship with God.” It’s guaranteed to be a ton of fun and includes music, games, bounce houses, learning, crafts and snacks. We will be featuring a special guest speaker, Susie Star. Susie is a renowned Kids Minister and has spoken at kids camps and VBS events all across the nation, Suzie is an incredible ventriloquist and will have many of her “friends” with her!
Registration is $75 per student to cover registration, t-shirt, crafts, activities and snacks.
VBS will be held Monday, July 15 through Thursday, July 18 from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm.
Join the VBS Crew!
Help send a child to VBS — an exciting experience where students and kids will take their next step with Jesus, build relationships and have a ton of FUN!
Thank you for investing in our kids and students by making a donation to the scholarship fund! Your scholarship donation is tax deductible and will appear on your giving statement.
To donate, please click on the link below and then choose “Kids Scholarships” under Giving Type.