On Sunday, June 2, we will be celebrating with ICE CREAM as all kids in elementary will be promoted up to their next class for the 2024-2025 school year!
All five or six-year-olds who are starting Kindergarten in the fall will also move up into the Kindergarten class. If your child is five but not starting Kindergarten in August 2024, they will remain in the 4-5’s class until the 2025-2026 school year.
5th graders promoting to 6th grade
We encourage all 5th graders to continue to attend their 5th-grade class on Sunday mornings as well as attend Middle School Midweek on Wednesdays from the first Sunday in June through the first Sunday in August. This summer transition is very intentional as we believe it assists 5th graders in the big transition from Elementary to Middle School.
Rising 6th grade students may choose to attend any or all of the following:
- Sunday morning Kids Ministry programming
- Middle School Mid-Week
- Middle School Bible Study
- All Middle School special events, except for mission trips and Summer Camp
- Summer Camp with Journey Kids
Starting in August, the rising 6th graders will attend Middle School in a full-time capacity.