Musana Mission Trip 2024
July 11, 2024 - July 21, 2024

Musana is a core mission partner of Journey Church. This year, we have the opportunity to send a small group from our Journey community to serve with Musana in Uganda. We will be working alongside the Ugandan teachers and staff as we host a 5-day Vacation Bible School experience for 800-1,000 kids. VBS is 5 days of high-energy and creative activities that center around Jesus. This year’s theme is SCUBA diving into a friendship with Jesus! Activities include Bible Story, worship, science activities, arts and crafts, snack-time, and games!
Throughout the trip you will have unique and powerful opportunities to…
- Learn Musana’s sustainable and transformative community development model from our amazing local leaders
- Empower the Musana team in their ability to lead and grow their own community
- Infuse energy in local initiatives
- Encourage children, students and community members in their current work and future dreams
- Build relationships that encourage the local people to fulfill their calling and purpose
- See, and be a part of, the amazing work God is doing in Uganda
The cost of this trip is $3,600 and is open to those 18 years and older. All applications are completed directly through the Musana website (Select “Musana VBS”) and must be completed by Sunday, March 3, 2024.
Does this sound like an interesting opportunity to you? Please contact Wade or Brandi Smith.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Sign Up?
First, complete the online application at musana.org/trips. Second, complete the Liability Waiver and the COVID-19 Waiver, and return both waivers via email to amykirschke@musana.org. Once the application period is closed, applicants will be interviewed to ensure qualifications are met and to learn more about applicants.
After the interview process, participants will need to fundraise or pay out of pocket for the cost of their trip, provide immunization records that cover required vaccinations for international travel to Uganda, and hold a current passport (refer to the full trip checklist at musana.org/trips).
By Applying, Am I Committing To The Trip? When Am I Officially Committed?
No, you are not committing by submitting your application. The application puts you on the contact list to then be interviewed and selected for the team by Musana. Once you have been selected to join the team and a deposit is secure, you will officially be considered committed to the trip.
What If I Don't Have A Passport?
Apply now for a passport if you don’t have one. If your passport expires less than six months after your return date, you will need to renew your passport as soon as possible. Additionally, if you have a non-U.S. passport, you are responsible for finding out if a visa is required for you to travel to a specific country.
What Will Be Covered In The Training Meetings?
It is imperative that participants visiting Musana are well-versed in their mindset of how to serve our communities in Uganda in order to have a lasting impact. Training meetings are held to prepare you as individuals, and as a team, to serve at Musana. Special emphasis will be given to cross-cultural experiences, team building and poverty alleviation. You will be expected to attend all meetings, please look closely at the training schedule to make sure you are available.
**Meeting dates and locations for each trip are listed at musana.org/trips.
How Are Trips Funded?
Once you have been accepted on a specific trip, your trip leader will set an all-inclusive trip cost for you/your group. You/your group can choose to pay out of pocket for your trip or fundraise the cost of your trip. Musana staff will provide resources and ideas on how trip funds can be raised. ALL funds need to be raised two weeks prior to the trip departure date and a $100 deposit is due at the time of the first training meeting.
What Does The Trip Cost Include?
The all-inclusive trip cost covers airfare, visa, room at Musana’s guesthouse, transportation, and meals (with one large water and a soda with any meals at Sol View) while in-country. It does NOT cover vaccinations, meals/snacks while traveling, additional drinks/snacks while in-country, or souvenirs. Musana will provide a packing list at the first training meeting including required clothing and suggested items to bring on the trip.
Does Journey Church Provide Scholarships For Mission Trips?
No, we do not have scholarships for our trips, so each individual is fully responsible for raising money for their outreach experience. If you would like to fundraise, you will need to collect those funds and then make your payment to Journey Church. Family and friends are also welcome to donate to the church and designate those funds to your mission trip through a mission donation link your Journey Team Leaders will provide you. Please note that this trip can be considered as a charitable contribution. A charitable contribution is a donation or gift to, or for the use of, a qualified organization.
Who Will Be Leading The Trips? How Are Leaders Selected?
Each trip will have at least one female and/or one male representative from Journey on the team. These representatives will also be a part of Journey Church staff, as well as we expect that they have traveled internationally previously. We want every person joining the team to feel confident and cared for. Journey’s Team Reps will be available to answer questions and be a helping hand as you prepare for your trip. For this particular trip, you will also have Team Leaders from Musana who will be taking the lead for training sessions as well as guiding our team during our stay in Uganda.
What Vaccinations Are Required?
Required Vaccinations:
Yellow Fever
Recommended Vaccinations:
Hepatitis A & B
Malaria (prescribed medication)
Travelers Diarrhea (prescribed medication)
Can I Travel Separately From The Team Or Stay Longer At My Destination?
No, it is imperative for team unity and liability reasons that all trip participants travel together.
Is Safety An Issue?
We have taken every precaution possible to mitigate unnecessary risks involved with our mission trips. We continually monitor the personal, social, political, and environmental factors that might heighten the security issues of our teams and consider the security of our teams very important. We are also requiring that each leader and participant has an approved background check through Journey.
Have Additional Questions?
Reach out to Brandi Smith at brandi@journeycolorado.com.