Journey High School gathers weekly at 5:00 pm on Sunday Nights for Vibe — fun games, relevant teaching, engaging worship and authentic small groups.
Once a month we take Vibe to the next level for Vibe 2.0. There will still be games, worship and teaching, but it will also include a theme for the night and a free dinner. These are great nights to invite friends and help them get plugged into Journey High School!
Super Sunday
Join us February 9 from 4:30 – 8:30 PM for VIBE 2.0 – SUPER SUNDAY PARTY!
We will hang out in the student room where students can play games, eat good food and watch the big game!
We will provide FREE pizza for all in attendance and ask for students to bring the following to share and enjoy:
Freshman – Candy
Sophomore – Desserts
Junior – Chips
Seniors – 2 Liter sodas
We hope to see your student there!