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Discussion Guides

Colossians – Part 4

By March 8, 2020November 15th, 2020No Comments

Message Series // Colossians – Part 4
Message Date // March 8, 2020 (Wade Smith)

Big Idea

We start to dive into the second half of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Colossian Church. The first part of the letter has been very heavy with theological (study of God/Jesus) meaning, proving the point that Jesus is FIRST and Jesus is ENOUGH. Now as we take a look into the second half of the letter, Paul begins to outline practically how we live out a life of following Jesus.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” – Colossians 3:17


Read Colossians 3:15-25. All these verses focus not on religious duty, but relationship development. How we build relationships is important because people matter to God. Of these 11 verses, focus on verses 17 and 23-24. What constant challenge do you observe Paul communicating? What is the danger in compartmentalizing our life when it comes to following Jesus?

Three key things we can incorporate into our lives that help us follow the “whatever you do” challenge Paul gives are…

  • Be Intentional (Having well-thought out spiritual decisions and habits that prioritize Christ.)
  • Be Present (Being where your feet are and investing in those God has placed around you.)
  • Be Obedient (Not ignoring God’s promptings in your life through the Holy Spirit, but acting upon them.)

How can focusing on these 3 areas help you live in a way that Christ is a part of every area of your life? In what ways are you already incorporating them into your life? What obstacles have hindered you from being able to live with intention, presence, and obedience?

Of these 3 practices listed above, what is one that you look at and know it’s an area of growth for you? What stories in your life bring that area to the surface more than the others?

Next Steps

Read 1 Corinthians 10:31. What is one thing you already do throughout the day that you sense Jesus wants to intersect so that you can be more intentional, present, and/or obedient? How can your small group assist you in taking this next step?

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