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Colossians – Part 3

By March 1, 2020November 15th, 2020No Comments

Message Series // Colossians – Part 3
Message Date // March 1, 2020 (Scotty Priest)

Big Idea
We start to dive into the second half of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Colossian Church. The first part of the letter has been very heavy with theological (study of God/Jesus) meaning, proving the point that Jesus is FIRST and Jesus is ENOUGH. Now as we take a look into the second half of the letter, Paul begins to outline practically how we live out a life of following Jesus.

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.”
Colossians 3:2-3

Read Colossians 2:6-14. In verses 7-8, the Apostle Paul talks about how important it is for followers of Read Colossians 3:1-14. At the beginning of verse 2, Paul challenges us to “set our minds on things above”. In other words, when we start following Christ, we will need to change how we think. Changing our thinking is key to changing our behavior…and changing our perspective is important to changing our purpose. Once we begin a relationship with Jesus Christ, why is it important to change our thinking to align with that of Jesus? How will this change of thinking change our behavior…and our perspective on life? How has Jesus changed your own thinking over the course of your relationship with Him?

In verses 5-9, Paul talks about multiple ideas of “putting to death” certain past behaviors and “taking off the old self and its practices”. He ultimately is talking about our need to strip our lives of the sin that impacts us. Paul’s reasoning is…

  • Because sin damages us on the inside.
  • Because sin damages those around us.
  • Because sin brings the wrath of God.

Do you agree with these different ways sin impacts the world we live in? (take a look at Paul’s list in verse 5 & 8) How have you seen sin bring about these consequences in the life of others? How about your own life?

The Apostle Paul not only implores us to “take off” the sin that damages, but he also challenges us to “put on” new behaviors (v. 9-10). Spend some time looking at the list of behaviors Paul encourages us to pursue in our lives (v. 12-14). What stands out to you when it comes to the list Paul shares? Most of us would not have a problem agreeing with this list, but it’s one thing to agree and another to actually put into action. How have you experienced the struggle of “putting on” some of these behaviors in your life?

Next Steps
Read 2 Corinthians 5:17. If following Jesus isn’t changing the way we think and behave, then we really aren’t following Jesus. But if I am, it’s a daily, conscious decision to “take off” the old way of living and to “put on” the new way. What is one thing that Jesus is challenging you to “take off” in your life…and what is one thing Jesus is encouraging you to “put on”? How can your small group help you take these next steps?

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