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Discussion Guides

Bumping Into Jesus – Part 2

By November 8, 2020November 15th, 2020No Comments

Message Series // Bumping Into Jesus Pt. 2 – Do You Want To Get Well? (John 5:1-15)

Message Date // November 8, 2020 (Scotty Priest)

Big Idea

Have you ever bumped into someone and known right away that they were your type of person (or not)? It can be a powerful thing when we bump into someone that can change the course of our life in a good way. This is what happened for many that bumped into Jesus when he lived here on earth. They intersected with Jesus, and their lives were radically altered. This series is an opportunity for us to “bump into” Jesus through the stories in the Bible of others who encountered him. It’s a chance for us to come back to Jesus and see him for who he really is…and to realize how caring, powerful, and irresistible Jesus can be.

“Or do you show contempt for the riches of His kindness, forbearance, and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance.” – Romans 2:4


Read John 5:1-15. This story tells us about a time where Jesus bumps into a man in Bethesda who had been an “invalid” for 38 years. The disabled man is lying there on a mat by a pool, jockeying for position to be the first one in after the pool has been stirred…believing that if he does this, he will be healed. Jesus encounters the man and asks him…”Do you want to get well?” (v. 6). Why would Jesus ask this man this question when it would seem obvious how he would answer? How would you feel if Jesus asked you this question? What are some areas of your life Jesus has wanted you to focus in on and “get well”?

Jesus tells this man to “get up”. Why? Because Jesus wanted to get the man involved in the miracle. Why was this a key part of the story? Why is it so important that God wants to involve us with what He is changing in us?

This man bumps into Jesus and his life is changed, but as the story unfolds, there are also some religious leaders who are so focused on what the “law” says that they forget “who” it was for. In other words, they forgot the heart behind the law. The truth is that if our version of religion ignores love and compassion, we probably have the wrong version. Have you ever experienced this to be true? Why is this something for us to wrestle with? Why is it easier said than done when it comes to our posture toward those who need love and compassion?

Next Steps

We are entering into a season that we can seize, and an incredible opportunity lies before us to serve our community…an opportunity to love, serve, and impact lives. As a group, how are you going to seize this season and serve? Visit the events page on the Journey website (https://journeycolorado.com/events) to learn more about getting involved with our Thanksgiving Outreach and our 9th Annual Christmas Store.

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