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Build Commitment

Submit your BUILD Commitment

Pray and ask God what you should commit to give to the BUILD initiative that is above and beyond your regular giving through March 2024. This could include gifts from stored assets such as stocks, savings, real estate, etc.

The giving period is through March 2024.


My Commitment(Required)

March 2023 - March 2024 Total
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Giving Instructions

Give Online

Select “BUILD” from the “Giving Type” drop down menu.

Please be sure to designate “BUILD” so your contribution is applied toward your commitment.

We also ask that you choose a low fee, or no fee option for your giving in order to save the church on transaction or processing fees. For financial donations over $5,000 we ask that you give via wire transfer or bank transfer via ACH.

One-Time Gifts of Cash
The best way to give a one time gift is through a personal check, bank check, or bank transfer via ACA, or through a direct wire transaction.

Gifts Over $5,000.00
For financial donations over $5,000.00 we ask that you give via wire transfer or bank transfer via ACA Please contact our financial team for the necessary instructions.

Monthly Giving On a Recurring Basis
The best way to give regularly to Journey is to set up a recurring transaction through your bank’s online bill payment system. Just like a check or cash, this saves the church on transaction fees when processing debit and credit card transactions.

To do so, set up Journey as a payee in your online banking via: Journey Church Colorado, 9009 Clydesdale Road, Castle Rock, CO 80108.

To set up a recurring ACH transaction through our online donation platform, select “bank account” under the “payment method” section.

Additional Ways to Give

Stock or

The Journey Legacy Impact Fund allows you to give non-cash assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, insurance, wills, living trusts, remainder annuities, and split-interest gifts. Because gifts are nuanced please follow these instructions or contact our financial team.

Donor Advised Fund,
Investment or
Retirement Account

When requested, some DAF’s or investment accounts will send a paper check directly to the church address: Journey Church Colorado, 9009 Clydesdale Road, Castle Rock, CO 80108. Typically they will require the church tax EIN# 20-0182109. Please contact our financial team if you or your broker have any questions.


Many companies and employers are providing an opportunity to receive matching donations or grants for funds donated directly to Journey on their behalf because we are a 501(c)3 non-profit. This allows employees to give directly to Journey, and then their employer matches the giving or sometimes increases the donation amount to Journey. Please contact your employer’s human resources department to see if this is available for you.

Contact Us

For any questions or assistance setting up your giving to BUILD that is above and beyond your regular tithes and offerings, please contact our financial team anytime.

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