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Mid-Week at Home

The Beatitudes Part 1

By October 12, 2022No Comments

Mid-Week at Home
Wednesday Night Discussion Questions


Series: The Beatitudes

Topic: Part 1— Meekness

Speaker: Nathan Sell, Middle School Pastor

Date: October 12, 2022



I am sure that the word “meek” is definitely one that you use on a daily basis. But, if you are like me, you can’t ever remember a time when you used it. So, when Jesus says in Matthew 5:5, “Blessed are those who are meek”, you might be a little confused. If you aren’t, your student definitely is. In the Message Translation, it says “You’re blessed when you’re content with who you are…”. Honestly, it is hard to imagine a world where contentment is common. If we are being honest, most of us probably live lives where we are searching for happiness through the things that we buy and the things that we accomplish. So why don’t we feel blessed— happy and fulfilled? Jesus would say it is because we aren’t content. Through meekness, Jesus tells us we receive the things that “can’t be bought”. Things like peace, joy and love for ourselves and others. What would it look like for you to set aside comparison and begin living a life that is content and allows God to be the provider?


Discussion Questions:


  1. What are some things that you wish you had? What are some qualities that you wish you didn’t have?
  2. How does comparing yourself to other people keep you from having joy and peace?
  3. How would your life be different if you were meek— if you were content with who God made you to be and what He wants you to do?
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