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40 Day Challenge to Strengthen Spiritual & Physical Habits

Take the Hard Route

January 1 — February 9, 2023

Challenge Rules

On your honor...

DIET: Pick a diet of your choice and stick with it. No alcohol/drugs. No cheat days. You may want to lose weight, or gain weight, but the goal is a healthy diet.

EXERCISE: Work out once a day for at least 45 minutes.

WATER: Drink 4 liters (men) / 3 liters (women) of water per day.

READ: Pick a daily Bible reading plan, plus read 10 pages from a book on our list.

PRAY: Pray each day.

WRITE: Journal ideas, what you’re thankful for, prayers, goals, or dreams each day.

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Our goal is to pursue God with strong hearts and minds, give him our best each day, and by doing so bless our families, our communities and our personal lives. These resources will help you get started.

For more information contact Cory Bragg, connections pastor or Jaime Waits, groups pastor.

Reading List
Streaks App
Bible App

Book Recommendations

Join the 40 GRIT

January 1 — February 9, 2023
Sign Up Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Does coffee count towards my water intake?

No. Coffee does not count, nor does diet soda, or carbonated water.

What if I mess up and get off track?

That’s ok. Get back on track, and start again. The more days of success means more progress towards establishing good habits.

If I don’t complete all 40 days can I still come to the closing ceremony on February 9?

Yes, you should still come to the closing ceremony. This is for everyone! We will be providing food while we celebrate everyone who signed up, whether you completed all the days or not.

What is the diet I have to follow?

It should be of your choice to create a healthy diet. You may want to gain muscle mass, or lose body fat. You may want to follow a paleo diet, or do the whole 30 diet. Maybe you want to go on a keto diet, or simply you want to cut out all sugars and sweets. The diet should be new and challenging to you and help you create a healthier lifestyle. Simply put, you decide and then stick with it.

Do I have to follow a specific exercise plan?

Similar to the diet, you get to choose your exercise plan. The only requirement is that you exercise every single day for 40 days for a minimum of 45 minutes per day.

Who is judging me, do I need to check in with someone?

You are your own judge of each category. Remember, it’s on your honor, no one is watching or judging you.

How much journaling do you have to do each day?

There is no length or volume requirement. You simply have to write down something every day. What are you learning? What is God showing you? Who are you praying for? What are you thankful for? These are some simple prompts, but you can write about anything.

If I complete all 6 daily goals for 40 straight days, what do I win?

You “win” a better you! You also will receive a $100 gift card!

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