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Mid-Week at Home

Gifted – Part 2

By December 7, 2022December 8th, 2022No Comments

Mid-Week at Home
Wednesday Night Discussion Questions


Series: Gifted
Topic: Part 2— Using Our Gifts For Jesus
Speaker: Nichole Easterling, Middle School Resident
Date: December 7, 2022


Comparison and feeling inadequate can leave us in a place where we feel like we have nothing to offer or can’t make a difference. However, the truth is that we all have physical gifts, specific talents and prayer as tools that we can use to impact the lives of others. Jesus has given each of us the ability to encourage and show kindness towards others. He has gifted us with abilities that are unique to us. Most importantly, however, He has given us the capability to pray for those around us so that we might ask God to impact the lives of others. This Christmas, how are you using your gifts, talents and prayer to make a difference?

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why do you sometimes feel like you can’t make a difference?
  2. How can prayer be helpful to someone this season? Who comes to mind as someone that you can be praying for?
  3. What kind of change can encouragement make in someone’s life? How can you be a source of encouragement to those around you?
  4. What are the physical gifts and specific talents that you feel God has given you?
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