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Middle School Sunday Discussion Guide

Roots, Ruts, and Reframing

By September 25, 2022No Comments

Sunday Discussion Guide
At-Home Conversation Starters

Series: Outta My Mind

Topic: Part 3—Roots, Ruts, and Reframing

Speaker: Scotty Priest, Lead Pastor

Date: September 25, 2022


Overview: In this message, Scotty discussed how our thoughts and mental habits have a huge impact on our life. Throughout our lives, we encounter moments where we are forced with overcoming bad habits or problems. If we don’t get to the root of the issue, then we risk it coming back. Sometimes, though, we feel like we are stuck in a “rut”— trying over and over again to change, with seemingly no success. Other times, we struggle to see how God is working through our past and present situations. So how do we breakthrough to find the freedom that God desires for us? Here are three ways that Scotty taught us:

  1. Get to the Root
  2. Break Out of the Rut
  3. Reframe the Story


Discussion Questions:

  1. How do your thoughts influence your life?
  2. What are some lies that Satan tries to convince you of? What is the truth that God speaks to you and about you?
  3. What habits do you need to change in order to fully live for Christ? Who are the people in your life that can help you break out of the rut, and who will speak the truth to you?
  4. How can you look at your story differently, so that you can see how God is trying to bring beauty from the brokenness?
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