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Mid-Week at Home

Red Flags in Relationships – Part 2

By February 8, 2023No Comments

Mid-Week at Home
Wednesday Night Discussion Questions


Series: Red Flags in Relationships
Topic: Part 2— Red Flags with God
Speaker: Nichole Easterling, Middle School Resident
Date: February 8, 2023

We always talk about having a fruitful relationship with God, but what does a healthy relationship with God look like? Is there even such a thing as having an unhealthy relationship with God? In this message, Nichole Eastelring, one of our Middle School Residents, discusses the characteristics of what a healthy relationship with God looks like. Scripture is clear about what God desires for us, and from us, in our relationship with Him. On the flip side, Nichole discussed the “Red Flags” or warning signs that tell us that we may likely have an unhealthy relationship with the Lord.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the signs of a healthy relationship with God? What are the “Red Flags” of an unhealthy relationship with God?
  2. What are some of the hurdles that you feel like you face when trying to connect with God?
  3. How do you think your life would look different if you were in God’s Word every day?
  4. How do you think your relationship with God would change if you talked to God through prayer every day?
  5. What is holding you back from being consistent with God in your life? What needs to change so that you can build consistency with God?
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