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Mid-Week at Home

Red Flags in Relationships – Part 1

By February 1, 2023February 8th, 2023No Comments

Mid-Week at Home
Wednesday Night Discussion Questions


Series: Red Flags in Relationships
Topic: Part 1— Red Flags with Ourselves
Speaker: Nathan Sell, Middle School Pastor
Date: February 1, 2023

The relationship we have with ourselves is the relationship that we interact with most frequently. While this is the most interacted with relationship in our lives, it often tends to also be the most neglected relationship. Our tendency is to focus on the relationships that we have with others, but how do we know if the relationship we have with ourselves is healthy or unhealthy? In this message, we discussed the Red Flags of having an unhealthy relationship with ourself and what a healthy relationship actually looks like in this area.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the 3 qualities of a healthy relationship with ourselves?
  2. How can we tell if we have an unhealthy relationship with ourself, based on our self-worth?
  3. Based on self-respect, how can you tell if you have an unhealthy relationship with yourself?
  4. When it comes to self-awareness, how do we know if we have an unhealthy relationship with ourselves? Why can it be so difficult for us to be fully self-aware?
  5. Why is it necessary to have a healthy relationship with ourselves? If you have an unhealthy relationship with yourself, or might have unhealthy areas in the relationship, how do you think you can make it healthy again?
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