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Mid-Week at Home

How to Read the Bible – Part 2

By January 18, 2023January 20th, 2023No Comments

Mid-Week at Home
Wednesday Night Discussion Questions


Series: How To Read The Bible
Topic: Part 2— A Story About Jesus
Speaker: Nathan Sell, Middle School Pastor
Date: January 18, 2023



While the Bible is split up into various books, chapters and verses, it is ultimately one large story that points to the person and character of Jesus. Yes, there are different stories that fill the pages of the Bible, but how do they each reveal the truth about who Jesus is? As we read Scripture, it can be easy to miss the overarching narrative. In this message, we explore how the Bible is one large story about Jesus..

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does the Old Testament reveal the first coming of Jesus?
  2. How does the New Testament reveal the second coming of Jesus?
  3. What does the Bible reveal about our need for salvation and a savior?
  4. Why does understanding that the Bible is one large story about Jesus impact the way we read Scripture?
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