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Discussion Guides

God Is… Part 3

By June 18, 2023No Comments

Series: God Is…
Topic: Part 3 — Righteous
Speaker: Scotty Priest, Lead Pastor
Date: June 18, 2023

  1. One of God’s attributes is that He is “righteous” (Psalm 89:14). This means that he is always right, good, just, and the perfect standard. When you think about this attribute of God, what comes to mind? Why can this attribute of God be challenging for us to understand?
  2. When we compare our “right-ness” to God’s “right-ness”, it’s obvious that we can’t measure up to God’s standard. The Bible refers to this as “sin” (Romans 3:10,20,23). And God’s needed response to sin is wrath because God cannot overlook sin. Is there anything in you that struggles with God’s wrath and justice? Why is it necessary that God is “just” when it comes to sin?
  3. Read Romans Romans 3:24-26, 11:22, and 2 Peter 3:8-9. Even though God’s response to sin is wrath, he also responds with mercy. God’s justice demands payment, and in his mercy he has provided one. God took on flesh in Jesus, lived a perfect life, and died on the cross for our sins. He paid the penalty of our sin and took God’s wrath upon himself. In your life, when did you first begin to truly grasp God’s mercy? How has God’s mercy transformed your life?


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