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Discussion Guides

Final Words – Part 1

By March 14, 2021No Comments

Message Series // Final Words Part 1
Message Date // March 14, 2021 (Pastor Wade Smith)

Big Idea

Leading up to Easter week, we want to focus on the final words of Jesus found in John 13-17. Jesus spoke these words to His disciples and followers as He made His way to the cross. In John 14:5 Thomas asks a question we all find ourselves asking which is, “How can we know the way?” In a world full of people who want options and claim that all lead to God, we must remember that Scripture teaches that the only way for us to experience life is through Jesus, and Jesus alone.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6


Read John 14:1-5. We see the humanity and divinity of Jesus in His final days. He lets the disciples know that He will soon be leaving. The disciples didn’t know what we know and they probably felt every emotion, but when we read this, we know the whole story. We know that while our King was crucified, He was raised to life three days later, yet we still often find ourselves losing faith and living in fear. Do you find yourself feeling troubled and living in fear? What might be keeping you from finding peace?

Read Acts 4:12. The world tells us there are many options out there that all end up leading to God. Thousands of years later, even though we have truth right in front of us, people still don’t want to hear and accept what Jesus is saying. Truth isn’t found in concepts, ideas, or feelings; truth is found in Jesus and His Word. Scripture is clear – Jesus is the only way to the Father. Have you surrendered to and accepted this truth? If not, what is keeping you from doing that? Why do you think the world struggles so much to accept that Jesus is the only way? As His church, how can we help people accept and understand this truth?

Read John 3:36 and John 10:10. All throughout his book, John refers to Jesus as the source of life. There is no life outside of Jesus and we should be compelled to obey and follow Him. What does it mean for you to know that Jesus is the source of life? How should this change how we live on a daily basis?

Next Steps

The most important step we can take is believing in Jesus for salvation. If you have not done that yet, what is keeping you from making that decision? If you have already given your life to Jesus, there are two things we are called to do as His followers: submit to Jesus as our Lord and King and surrender to His Word. Which of these next steps can you grow in this week? For resources on becoming a follower of Jesus or plans for reading Scripture visit JourneyColorado.com.

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