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Day 27

By August 27, 2021No Comments

I am called by God to be a witness for Him. I am called to tell the story of Jesus.

Friday, August 27, 2021

By Kristin Barksdale, Journey Small Group Leader

Acts 26:1-23


Now get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen and will see of me. Acts 26:16


Paul was given the chance to speak, in his own defense, to King Agrippa. Paul knew that this was the perfect opportunity for him to be the witness that God had called him to be on the road to Damascus. So what does Paul do? He tells his story – the good, the bad and everything in between.


I, like Paul, am called by God to be a witness for Him. I am called to tell the story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, and how His story changed the story of my own life.

  • Tell my story with respect to those who are listening. (vs 2-3)
  • Tell my story with truth and honesty. (vs 25)
  • Tell my story with sincerity. (vs 29)


“Father God, thank you for the opportunity to be your witness. Give me the courage to tell the story of your son, Jesus, and how He changed my life. Help me to be kind and honest and to tell this story with real love for those I am talking to. Amen.”

Now You Try

Read Acts 26:24-32


Get to a place where you can focus and read the daily Scripture passage several times. Take time to read and allow God to speak to you. Write down the one or two verses that stick out. Even consider rewriting the verse(s) in your own words.


Make a basic observation about the scripture you just read. What stood out? Was something repeated? What is the author trying to communicate? What does the Scripture passage teach you about God? What does it teach you about humanity?


Ask, “What does this verse(s) mean for my life?” How might this verse affect your heart — how you feel? How does this verse challenge your thinking? How does it affect your will, asking, “What changes do I need to make in my life as a result of this passage of Scripture?”


Write out a prayer to God. Scripture is God speaking to you, take this moment to speak back. Take a moment to say, “Thank you,” confess to Him what needs to change, or ask for something that is on your heart.

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