Uncategorized Day 16 Perhaps we should strive to settle issues more like early Christians did. Scripture “We believe…Chandler BlakeAugust 16, 2021
Uncategorized Day 15 The heart of mankind has not changed. Scripture “The people of the city were divided;…Chandler BlakeAugust 15, 2021
Uncategorized Day 14 By holding onto the things of this world I can’t fully serve and experience the…Chandler BlakeAugust 14, 2021
Uncategorized Day 13 How different would my life look if in my seasons of desperation I confidently knew…Chandler BlakeAugust 13, 2021
Uncategorized Day 12 There is nobody who is too far gone or too dirty to be in the…Chandler BlakeAugust 12, 2021
Uncategorized Day 11 All I can do is live each day in a way that brings honor to…Chandler BlakeAugust 11, 2021
Uncategorized Day 10 I need to be brave in my willingness to share Jesus with others. Scripture “Jesus…Chandler BlakeAugust 10, 2021
Uncategorized Day 9 God gives me opportunities and responsibilities to tell others of His love, grace and mercy…Chandler BlakeAugust 9, 2021
Uncategorized Day 8 Do I take the time to seek out God through His word and in prayer?…Chandler BlakeAugust 8, 2021
Uncategorized Day 7 I want to be so full of the Spirit that it is obvious to those…Chandler BlakeAugust 7, 2021